The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were joined in the café kitchen at the Palace of Holyroodhouse by members of the charity, Sikh Sanjog, to prepare meals which will be distributed to vulnerable families across the Edinburgh community.

Sikh Sanjog, Scotland’s only Sikh Family Support Charity, was established in 1989 to support women from the Sikh community integrate into wider Scottish society.  The organisation aims to inspire and empower women to advance their own life opportunities through building skills, confidence and promoting social inclusion. It provides social and wellbeing support for women of all ages and works with young people from diverse ethnic communities, delivering counselling services and facilitating youth groups.

During this past year, Sikh Sanjog set up a service to provide hot curry meals twice a week to disadvantaged people in the community, a service that is ongoing.

This evening, The Duke and Duchess welcomed volunteers from Sikh Sanjog to the Palace and joined them to make chapatis and pack up curries in the Palace’s café kitchen.  The meals will be distributed to vulnerable families in Edinburgh this evening.

The Duke and Duchess then heard from some of those who receive support from the organisation, before meeting members of one of the organisation’s youth groups who were preparing entries for a competition to design the cover of a new book being released by Sikh Sanjog. 

Finally, The Duke and Duchess met the women’s group, who gave a traditional Sikh Shabadh drumming display.