Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader, Willie Rennie, and Liberal Democrat Leader, Sir Ed Davey, campaigned in Wester Hailes today.

Their main message when they stopped off at outdoor activity centre, Bridge 8 Hub, was the party’s opposition to vaccine passports, claiming that they are little more than an ID card.

Ed Davey is expected to demand a vote in the UK Parliament on the Prime Minister’s controversial proposals. Willie Rennie will join him and urge the Scottish Government to suspend plans until MSPs can reconvene and scrutinise the plan after the election. 

Despite the recent announcement in favour, Nicola Sturgeon previously told Willie Rennie during an exchange in the Scottish Parliament that the Scottish Government “…have no plans to introduce immunity passports…”

Mr Rennie admitted that they could have limited use for international travel. He said: “There is a case for example like yellow fever passports where other parties are requiring some proof of vaccination. They are not vaccinating in other countries at the pace we are. There would be a case for doing this on a limited basis – a very limited basis for that – but the widespread use in this country for internal purposes for accessing everyday services that should be off the table.”

Civil rights campaign groups such as Big Brother Watch, Liberty, the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) and Privacy International have also set out their opposition to vaccine passports.

Willie Rennie and Ed Davey. © 2021 Martin McAdam