The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing various new traffic schemes for Leith.

These schemes are set out separately, but Leith Links Community Council believe that “when you add together all the various effects of each scheme, there will be a major impact on local residents”.

The community council asks: Is the community getting enough chance to share information and air its views? 

The next two virtual meetings of the Leith Links Community Council will take place tonight and next Monday evening:

1. Monday 1 March 2021 at 6:30 pm, and

2. Monday 8 March 2021 at 6:30 pm

In addition to Trams to Newhaven the council proposes a controlled parking zone on Leith Walk and Leith, possibility of making Spaces for People measures permanent, a controlled parking zone in West Leith – Easter Road, Lochend, Colonies and Restalrig Road, new cycle route through Leith involving road closures for vehicular traffic and removal of parking spaces, a Low Traffic Neighbourhood largely closing Leith off to through traffic. All of these measures fit within the council’s own policy on reducing emissions so that Edinburgh becomes a Net Zero Carbon city by 2030.

For both meetings, the Agenda will be turned over entirely to discussion of travel and mobility changes proposed that will affect the area of Leith that the community council covers.

1 March 2021

On 1 March LCCC will discuss the ‘Leith Connections’ / Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme for Leith scheme (this consultation has an earlier deadline date).

To register to attend this meeting (free) please click here.

If you would like to submit a question to be asked on the evening please click here.

‘Leith Connections’ is about a new, safer cycle route through Leith which involves removing parking, moving bus stops and closing some roads to motor traffic.

‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ involves closing several roads to traffic / creating one-way routes and cul de sacs, with the intention of making the area safer and nicer to walk or wheel through.

You can view the plans and should respond directly via this consultation which closes on 28 February.

If you don’t know what a Low Traffic Neighbourhood is then there is a good explanation here.

Leith Connections consultation
Or email your comments to 

8 March 2021

On Monday 8 March, LCCC will discuss the proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the area between Easter Road / Lochend Road / Restalrig Road.

To register to attend this meeting, please click here.

If you would like to submit a question to be asked on the evening please click here.

West Leith Consultation here (consultation runs until 14 March)

You can also visit the consultant’s virtual drop-in session on 24 February or 2 March