Young people across Scotland are being invited to share how school shutdowns prompted by Covid-19 impacted on their lives.

Pupils can complete a survey that will gauge how classroom closures, feelings of isolation and exam cancellations affected their mental health and wellbeing.

Researchers say the Scottish Government-backed study will help ensure that young peopleā€™s voices are heard by policy makers as the country eases out of lockdown.

The University of Edinburgh study will also assess the effect of school closures on the mental health of pupils typically identified as vulnerable.

Young people will be asked what they think can be done to address concerns they might raise.

The study, funded by the Chief Scientist Office, is open to pupils who were in S4, S5 and S6 and preparing for exams when lockdown started.

The online survey will take about 20 minutes. All data will be stored anonymously and will only be available to the research team. Pupils are also being invited to join focus groups.

Professor Gillean McCluskey, of Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh, said: ā€œThe vital insights that pupils provide will enable us to assess the impacts of Covid-19 on mental health and education, and also help to inform future policy interventions.ā€

Fellow researcher Dr Margaret Laurie, said: ā€œWe are encouraging pupils to tell us exactly what they think could have been done differently, and to suggest what might help them and other young people in the future. Results will play a vital part in the decision-making process.ā€

Click here to take part in the survey: