At today’s council meeting there are as usual questions posed by councillors with written answers. Councillors also have the opportunity of posing additional questions to the relevant conveners.

All questions and answers are reproduced below.

These deal with many topics such as Spaces for People (which if you are on Twitter is a hot topic for cyclists, drivers and pedestrians although not necessarily in that order), public conveniences, the bonus for the Chief Executive of Lothian, complaints about overgrown trees, garden waste collection, roads resurfacing, pupil attendance at schools, Covid-19 regulations and any complaints about licensed premises, glyphosate use to kill off weeds, exam results for school pupils in Edinburgh, breakfast clubs and after school clubs, nursery education for children, Safe Travel to Schools, the funding model for St James Quarter, cleaning of gullies and drains, financial challenges for community organisations, parent councils, council employees on furlough, new teachers in Edinburgh, legal challenges to Spaces for People measures, Scottish Government’s Food Fund, more Spaces for People at Comiston Road and Wester Hailes Road and the number of complaints.

The council meets this morning beginning at 10am and you can watch online here.

You can also access all council reports and minutes of the last meeting here.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.