The fishing at Harlaw and Threipmuir in the past week started well then, as the warm weather and bright sun conditions arrived, fishing became more challenging, writes Robert Ross, a director of Malleny Angling Ltd (MA Ltd).

The high barometric pressure pushed the fish down during the warm part of the day and the water temperature is also high which depletes oxygen in the water and makes the fish less active.

The latter part of the week saw a complete reversal of weather conditions with heavy rain and strong winds which presented the anglers with a new challenge but the cooler conditions started to improve the fishing.

Many fish are still being caught on a selection of flies such as damselfly nymph, pheasant tail nymph and diawl bach.

Successful lures have been Yellow Dancer, Viva, Orange Fritz and FAB’s in various colours have also been successful.

During early morning and at dusk floating line or sink tip line has been the most successful method with intermediate line during the middle part of the day.

A cast of buzzer imitations fished at various depths has also been successful.

Fish are still targeting small fry and Stickleback which seem to be holding in the top three feet of water or in the shallows close to a deep drop-off.

The best time for fishing is first thing in the morning with fishing commencing for members at 7am or earlier for bailiffs who are permitted on the water from first light.

Fishing from 8 pm till dusk has also been rewarding for many anglers but, as yet, sedges are not about in any great numbers.

Stocking of significant numbers fresh fish in the 1 Kg to 1.5 Kg size continues at Harlaw.

Bailiffs are still catching anglers using spinning tackle and have the authority to involve the police as this form of fishing is not allowed and is an illegal method at both Harlaw and Threipmuir.

Permits are still required in advance of fishing and this will continue till, at least, the end of the current 2020 fishing season.

Any angler not in possession of a permit will be asked to leave the water. If fish have been killed by any angler who is not in possession of a valid permit the police will be called.

Anglers who have purchased e- permits are requested, where possible, to have a printed copy or have a record available for inspection.

Anglers are requested to, please, assist the bailiff by maintain the 2 meters social distance when presenting an electronic permit for inspection.

Meanwhile, the management of MA Ltd and members continue to be concerned about the irresponsible action of some members of the public when visiting Harlaw and Threipmuir Reservoirs

The Pentlands Regional Park is for everyone to enjoy and respecting our environment is of great importance.

The Government guidelines on social distancing is, unfortunately by many, ignored and rubbish left for others to remove.

I am pleased to report that anglers are, in the main complying, with the guidelines.

Please note, at this time toilet facilities are not open at Harlaw.

The last thing that any of us want is, due to the action of others, the Pentlands Regional Park closed to visitors.

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Experienced news, business, arts, sport and travel journalist. Food critic and managing editor of a well-established food and travel website. Also a magazine editor of publications with circulations of up to 200,000 and managing director of a long-established PR/marketing company with a string of blue-chip clients in its CV. Former communications lecturer at a Scottish university and social media specialist for a string of successful and busy SMEs.