During the last three months the independent charity, Crimestoppers, has received more calls about domestic abuse, drug dealing and child harm and neglect.

They ran some public awareness campaigns to highlight the increased risk of harm that some people would experience and this has resulted in calls for action on domestic abuse rising by 81%. Contacts from members of the public about other crimes have also gone up with visits to the Crimestoppers’ website trebling in April 2020.

Drug dealers continued to operate notwithstanding lockdown and one property was discovered to have several unknown people in it with others ‘visiting’. The residents were supplying heroin and cannabis.

Angela Parker, National Manager for Crimestoppers Scotland, said: “The past few months have been very challenging for people across Scotland. As a charity, we needed to raise awareness of the risks and harm the most vulnerable in communities would experience during lockdown. Often people know or suspect who’s responsible but for whatever reason, don’t want to speak to the police or get involved. We are so encouraged and grateful for the people who trusted our 100% anonymous guarantee and told us about those at risk. Thanks to the Scottish public, life for them is better and communities are safer.” 

Ash Denham MSP, Minister for Community Safety said: “The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring communities remain safe and resilient as we emerge from these unprecedented times. I would like to thank Crimestoppers and people who have stepped up in recent months to help keep people in Scotland safe.
“This has resulted in significant, actionable information about child harm and neglect, drugs and violent crimes from all over the country being passed to Police Scotland. This is a remarkable achievement and the courage, community spirit and kindness shown by those reporting is inspiring.”
Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie, Police Scotland said: “Crimestoppers is an integral partner in helping us offer a tangible and secure alternative for those who wish to remain anonymous in reporting crime and concern for others. 
“We recognise how challenging recent times have been for people and I would like to take this opportunity to thank communities across Scotland for the crucial role they are playing in the collective effort to stay safe, protect others and save lives.”