Edinburgh East MP, Tommy Sheppard, has been awarded the Other Party MP of the Year Award by the Patchwork Foundation.

The announcement this morning recognised those who have ‘worked hard to support the most disadvantaged communities through their policy making or campaigns’. MPs are chosen by the public and an independent panel of judges.

Tommy Sheppard MP was awarded for launching an inquiry into how to help the most vulnerable in society who suffer from drug addiction. In addition, he has been recognised for undertaking practical work in the constituency to help those who will be moved onto Universal Credit, and to support those who require help with accessing social security more widely.

In light of Covid-19 restrictions the Awards, usually a Parliamentary reception, will for the first time be announced on Twitter with award winners sharing their acceptance speeches via video.

The MP of the year is the Rt Hon Said Javid. The Conservative People’s Choice is the Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg – presumably for his laid back attitude to the job of Leader of the House.

Tommy Sheppard on election night 2019 PHOTO ©2020 The Edinburgh Reporter