The Edinburgh pandas Yang Guang and Tian Tian are now in their new surroundings at the top of the hill within the Zoo grounds.

Yang Guang can be seen here exploring his new abode while Tian Tian also moved earlier in the week.

Darren McGarry, Head of Living Collections at Edinburgh Zoo, said: “It was fantastic to see Yang Guang out for the first time and exploring his new home. He was very excited to take a good look around, climb up the nearest tree and get up on the climbing frame.

“Both our pandas need some time to get used to their new surroundings, so we are gradually opening outdoor viewing to the public over the next few weeks as they become more confident.”

The move relates to plans to redevelop the former Corstorphine Hospital next to the Zoo and will mean there is no disturbance to the pandas from noise or vibrations from the building work. Measures will also be put in place to protect the other animals close to the site.

McGarry added: “Moving the pandas gave us an opportunity to apply what we have learned over the past eight years and make the most of the fantastic natural setting at the top of the hill.”

The new enclosure is being opened slowly to the public so before you go to see them do  check the Zoo’s website.

You don’t have to go to Edinburgh Zoo to keep an eye on the pandas you can just watch then on Panda Cam.