The council is running two consultations which finish this weekend.

The  City Centre Transformation and Meadows to George Street consultations both end on Sunday evening so now is your last chance to comment on the council’s bold plans to move cars out of the city and give preference to active travel.

The proposed pedestrian zone on Waverley Bridge

The strategy shows how transformational change can be achieved by improving public spaces and prioritising movement on foot, by bike and by public transport and is designed to make the city safer, healthier and more accessible for everyone.

Proposals are interlinked with the council’s broader ambitions to develop sustainability and connectivity across the city, including plans for Low Emission Zones (LEZ) and the City Mobility Plan.

Council Leader, Councillor Adam McVey, said: “We intend to create an accessible, people-friendly city fit for the future. We’ve already had a fantastic response to both the City Centre Transformation and Meadows to George Street consultations, but we want as many people as possible to have their say on these proposals.

“People have already told us they want to see changes to the way we use our city and we want to meet that aspiration through the designs we’re consulting on. It’s clear that we need to transform our approach to transport, public realm and accessibility. Our proposals prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, facilitate better public transport links and create liveable, welcoming public spaces.

“It’s essential that we bring the public along with us as we progress these plans though, and any feedback received as part of these consultations will be central to their development. So anyone that hasn’t already done so – make sure you have your say by Sunday!”

At the time the City Centre Transformation project was announced Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Macinnes, said: “This is an exciting and ambitious strategy, one which will deliver transformative benefits across the city and for a whole range of people travelling to and within Edinburgh. We want everyone to share in Edinburgh’s success and reimagining our city centre and its purpose will help make this happen.

“Here we have a blueprint to move the city forward. The proposals are designed to prompt debate – they aren’t finalised designs or ideas. They are examples of what we could do to deliver the city centre that residents are telling us they want.

“By creating public spaces that are more welcoming and enjoyable, making walking and cycling in the city centre easier and safer and improving access to public transport networks we want to equip the city for the future. Key to achieving this is to create a consistent and coordinated approach to city centre planning and management. This means continuing to link the

Transformation Strategy with policies and projects including Low Emission Zone, City Mobility Plan, City Plan 2030.”

Have your say on the City Centre Transformation here.

Have your say on the Meadows to George Street plans here.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.