Linlithgow Academy were the best overall company in a young entrepreneurs award for schools from across the Lothians.

Wicks ‘n’ Wax topped the list of 14 individual awards which attracted around 150 students and 18 teams.

The youngsters sell bespoke scented candles made from used wax and recycled jars and the team have been busy carrying out research, manufacturing, marketing and selling at parents evenings and Christmas markets.

Edinburgh Napier University sponsored the event and participants heard an inspiring account of starting a business from young entrepreneur Sam Brennan, founder of Fresh Car Valeting.

Dr Kirsteen Grant, Young Enterprise board member and judge of the best HR director award, said: “The year-long Young Enterprise Company Programme provides young people with a fantastic platform to experience the process of starting and running a business.

“The journey equips them with employability and transferrable skills around team working, people leadership, financial management and customer service.”

Other awards went to Prestige Recipes (George Watson’s College), Hoops (St George’s School for Girls), Meraki (Boroughmuir High), Enchanted Florist (Currie High), Eclipse (George Watson’s College), Charitable Hearts (St Margaret’s Academy) and Tea Green (George Heriot’s).

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