Budding young artists, dancers and musicians are amongst hundreds of young people across Scotland celebrating a £1.8 million cash boost helping them to develop their skills and talents through a range of creative projects.

The cash from the Young Start fund goes to 28 youth led groups across the country which help young Scots to build their confidence and play an active part in realising their potential.

Amongst those celebrating is Lyraa community based arts organisation in Craigmillar, Edinburgh which receives £82,728 to deliver a range of user led arts activities that will culminate in young people designing, commissioning and delivering 12 of their own unique music and dance performances.

Creative Director, Jo Timmins said: “We are so excited to receive funding to continue our ‘Connecting’ project. Our aim is to enable the young people to take a leadership role over the next three years and we look forward to seeing how this develops. The young people will broaden their horizons through working with professional artists and companies and they will write their own music, choreograph their own dances and so much more. It’s been great to see them realise how talented they are and I can’t wait to see how their confidence grows further as they lead the project.” 

In Edinburgh, The Fruitmarket Gallery will bring young people and professional artists together to deliver ‘Fresh Fruit’ a co-produced programme of activities and cultural learning events, thanks to an award of £99,903.

Dr Fiona Bradley, Director of Fruitmarket Gallery, said: “Young Start’s commitment of three-year funding for Fresh Fruit, our youth led programme, will enable young people to work together and with artists to co-produce a range of creative activities to support their wellbeing, develop skills and build connections. We are pleased to be able to provide creative opportunities to more young people, including those who face barriers to accessing culture.”

Oi Musica CIC in Edinburgh was awarded £15,568 to provide free music taster sessions in brass and street-drumming for up to 300 budding young musicians.

Young Start is delivered by The National Lottery Community Fund and awards dormant bank and building society cash to youth led projects.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.