A new 70 bedroom hotel will be built at South Gyle which has been let to Travelodge on an initial 25 year lease. The lease is based on 5 yearly rent reviews based on the Consumer Prices Index.  Situated on land bought from Greene King it will open in autumn 2019.

Sandy Cameron of Sandy Cameron Property Consultants, who acted on behalf of Travelodge said, “Travelodge have been keen to secure a hotel in this area for some time. This site is ideal as it will appeal to business travellers and to tourists with the added bonus of being close to Edinburgh International Airport”.

Crucible Alba Group Development Director Brian Robinson confirmed: “This is an excellent development for all concerned; for our forward funder, for the tenant, Travelodge Hotels, and for Greene King as their Farmhouse Inn will benefit from having the hotel next door. The location of the hotel is extremely strong being within two miles of Edinburgh International Airport and adjacent to the successful Edinburgh Park business district”.

Crucible Alba Group confirmed that all of the necessary consents are already in place and that they are aiming to commence the ten month construction project  on site as soon as possible.