MagicFest Christmas Special

“Now You See It, Now You Don’t!”: An Exhibition of Photographic Illusions

Prepare to be mesmerised by the uncanny illusionists from Edinburgh Young Carers.

In collaboration with MagicFest and Professor Richard Wiseman they will be creating magic in a photo! How, you might ask? Well, join us on a journey of discovery where the old history of Edinburgh and the magic of young minds collide!

Witness the magic at Storytelling Centre, unlock the secrets at Museum of Childhood.

13 December 2018 – 26 January 2019

The Show @ Scottish Storytelling Centre, 10am – 6pm every day (except 25, 26, 30 Dec and 1 & 2 Jan)

The Tell @ Museum of Childhood, 10am – 5pm every day (except 25 & 26 Dec and 1& 2 Jan)


Exhibition organisers:

Edinburgh International Magic Festival 

Edinburgh Young Carers

Professor Richard Wiseman