It is 20 years since the Fringe Society has managed the Virgin Money Street Events and this year there will be a new look area on the Royal Mile with accessible stages and new performance areas.

The Fringe Society wants to try and ensure that there is plenty of space for more shows.

Virgin Money sponsor the Street Events on the Royal Mile and at The Mound

There will be around 250 shows a day and they will follow this schedule :

13.15 and 20.15 – West Parliament Spectacular

Fringe Sunday Comedy on the Mercat Stage every Sunday at 13.00.

Let’s Circus will perform on an aerial rig above the High Street from 10-12 August.

The Big Street Showcase will take place on West Parliament Square at 13.15 on 19 August.

There will be BSL interpreted performances, accessible stages and sensory backpacks for children and adults on the autism spectrum.

Virgin Money is one of the sponsors of the Fringe along with Caledonian Brewing Co, Alba Cola and Victor and Carina Contini and others.