Sugar Daddy’s is a little bakery on Rodney Street which sells gluten free products and nothing else. They are now looking to expand and have set up a Kickstarter campaign seeking funding of £29,000 to invest in a bigger second contamination-free kitchen.

The Kickstarter runs till 30 April and donations will be rewarded in cakes, parties and cake baking lessons.


The first shop was opened two years ago by JP and Amy Ranaldi. Amy is coeliac and wanted to provide cakes for those who, like her, must avoid gluten. All their products are 100% gluten free and they have a wide variety of goods which are vegan or free from dairy, eggs or nuts.

Owner JP Ranaldi said : “Everyone deserves good cake and nobody should have to miss out just because they aren’t able to have certain foods.

“We identified a gap in the market for quality, guaranteed gluten free cakes for coeliacs, as well as vegans and those who are dairy intolerant, in response to growing demand from dietary challenged cake lovers.

“Since opening we have seen our customer base grow faster than we ever anticipated, which is really exciting.  However, we simply cannot keep up with demand, so a bigger contamination-free kitchen in a second bakery is the way forward for keeping Edinburgh’s sweet-toothed population happy.”

The Kickstarter campaign has so far raised £15,428 of its £29,000 goal. You can donate here.