This year will be the seventh annual  cycling protest Pedal on Parliament which will set off from Middle Meadow Walk at midday today. Thousands of cyclists and pedestrians are expected to travel the route to Holyrood where there will be speeches in support of the campaign’s demands.
The movement seeks increased funding and support for active travel across Scotland and there will be two other demonstrations one in Inverness at 11a.m., and one in Aberdeen taking place on Sunday 29 April 2018.

Friends of the Earth Scotland support the campaign and praise its organisers.

Emilia Hanna, Air Pollution Campaigner for Friends of the Earth Scotland said: “The Pedal on Parliament movement has been successful and inspirational throughout its seven years. This grassroots movement, led by volunteers, has been instrumental in getting the Scottish Government to double its spending on walking and cycling.

“But much more is needed, and this growing movement is not going to give up until we have a Scotland which properly supports cycling for everyone, whatever their age, ability, and background. Together we will cycle to the Scottish Parliament to demand that our leaders make cycling conditions safer and better so that everyone who is willing in Scotland can get on their bike for everyday trips.

“Under 2% of trips in Scotland are made by bike, compared with 51% in some parts of the Netherlands. Transport is Scotland’s biggest cause of climate emissions and toxic air pollution, which kills over 2500 people early every year. A lack of safe cycle routes is one of the biggest reasons why more people in Scotland do not travel by bike so it’s vital we show our politicians that we want greater investment in cycling. A surge in cycling can deliver real health, environmental and economic benefits for the whole country.”