Edinburgh had the greatest share of all Scotland’s potholes reported last year, and paid out a hefty £69,385 on compensation accord to research conducted on behalf of driver saving site Confused.com

Now you can see what that pothole problem looks like here. They have produced an animated view of  the 1,413 metres of potholes (by depth) reported in the capital.

Created by Confused.com (view the full interactive)


According to the Freedom of Information requests which Confused.com submitted the councils in Scotland paid out almost £27million to repair potholes and more than £226,000 in compensation to drivers.

Amanda Stretton, motoring editor at Confused.com, says, “Scrolling to depths of more than 40km really puts into perspective just how deep the UK’s pothole problem really is. They are a major bugbear among drivers, not least because of the damage they do to our vehicles – around £3.1 million worth of damage, which has been paid out by almost half of the UK’s councils.

“If drivers experience a bump in the road, they should report it to their local council as soon as possible before the problem gets any worse. The cost of motoring alone is getting more and more expensive and damage repairs is a big contributor to this, as car parts increase in price as well.

“For advice on pothole damage, and other ways to save on motoring costs, drivers can find more information at Confused.com.”