IN her speech to Holyrood on Tuesday announcing the programme for government, the First Minister also announced an additional £10m is being placed into the film industry.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP announces the Scottish Government’’s Programme for Government 2017-18 at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh. 05 September 2017. Pic – Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament

Ms Sturgeon said : “We live in a golden age of film and TV production. Over the next decade, the opportunities for attracting investment to Scotland will be considerable.

“We have already increased support for the screen sector, and last month I was delighted to announce that the National Film and Television School is setting up a base in Glasgow – the first of its kind outside of London.

“But I can announce today that we will go further and do what those working in the sector have asked of us – in next year’s budget we will provide an additional £10 million to bring screen development, production and growth funding to £20 million a year.”

Rosie Ellison, Film Manager at Film Edinburgh, commented on the funding announcement.

She said: “The funding announcement is terrific news for filming in Scotland and just what we’ve been calling for. We have three pillars of focus for the industry in Edinburgh, and Scotland alike: funding, crew and studios. Coupled with the recent announcement of the National Film Training School setting up at the BBC’s production facilities in Glasgow, we have made two big steps forward out of three, so we’re hoping the next step will be the development of the Pentlands Film Studio.

“2017 has been a huge year for filming in Edinburgh and every day we’re amazed at the productions coming through. Having this funding in place will really set us up for even more opportunities in both the local and indigenous as well as the bigger screen productions, and we’re excited to see where it will take Edinburgh.“

Churchill was filmed in and around Edinburgh