Muhamad Adib Rosli; Sydney Chasin; Fiona Godsman; Roy Hotrabhvanon; Zachery Baynham-Herd; Lorn Jean Cowie

Six Edinburgh students were among the winners at the Scottish Institute for Enterprise Awards handed out at a dinner in Glasgow city centre last night, winning a share of the £6,000 prize money.

Fresh Ideas was hosted by the Scottish Institute for Enterprise which is an organisation funded by the Scottish Government to inspire entrepreneurial ventures.

Sydney Chasin, Roy Hotrabhvanon, Fiona Inglis and Zachery Baynham-Herd from the University of Edinburgh were recognised for their ideas.

Lorn Jean Cowie and Muhammad Adib Rosli from Heriot-Watt University were given awards in the category of economic importance to the Scottish Government.

Former winners of the competition spoke to the guests explaining how they had turned ideas into business reality.

Fiona Godsman, chief executive of Scottish Institute for Enterprise, said: “We’d like to congratulate all the winners tonight, and everyone who entered the competition.

“Fresh Ideas gives us the chance to celebrate the creative and enterprising talent our young entrepreneurs have.

“Enterprise is necessary when it comes to growing the economy and improving society. It is important to encourage and foster entrepreneurship in our young people to equip them with the skills to go on to become great business people, either working within larger organisations or leading their own teams.”

Sydney Chasin
Edinburgh Napier University graduate
A healthy snack food company specialising in a healthy, eco-friendly, alternative to popcorn.

Roy Hotrabhvanon and Fiona Inglis
University of Edinburgh graduate
A new wearable monitoring system to help sports coaches monitor the status of their teams in real time.

Zachary Baynham-Herd
University of Edinburgh
The world’s first peer-peer conservation platform connecting those willing to donate to conservation, with those working specifically on individual conservation projects.

Creative Industries
Lorn Jean Cowie
University of Edinburgh
A high-end fashion brand focused around innovation

Muhamad Adib Rosli

A new wind turbine technology which would allow turbines to capture and generate more energy

Interns of the Year 

  • Fraser Payne
    Edinburgh Napier University
Website |  + posts

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.


  1. sounds great until you remember the scores of dozens of entreprenuers who cant get their PAYE tax returns accepted ,or the accountants like price waterhouse cooper who cant close the bankrupted airline account they are servicing and the thousands of small business’s whos web site does not perform all due to withheld paperwork in THE FIRST MINISTERS OFFICE . we are talking about millions of uncollected tax bills mover the past 15 years and why do we even have mr Wheelhouse minister for business who wont lift a finger to help int’l accountants firm + the thousands of out of pocket holiday makers who paid and went nowhere + those who did go but were cast out of their hotel and found their Return flights were NEVER Going to arrive ,when the us banking system has still got £35 million pounds of that Scottish airlines money . And you wonder which dodgy politicians Sir tim was refering to ! Beware business people of Scotland .YOUR GOVT IS NOT HELPING .

  2. well done students but i suggest that you talk to the pwc accountant looking after flyglobespan’s ongoing account as they enter 8th yr and not a finger lifted by the edinburgh exec to help get 35 million out of us banking system WHY NOT MR WHEELHOUSE ? why not?

  3. great ,well done , it is an even playing field that you expect but that is far away from the present skewed market , you really do not get the webs inventor criticizing govt policy and politicians for No Reason , and the poorly reported Visit to Edinburgh as an Envoy from the United Nations ,in the form of no less than Mary MacAleese former President of Eire kind of cements who exactly mr Lee was aiming for ,does it not ?

    Not only that but his ironic article specifically and Exclusively to Scottish politicians in a prominent Glasgow newspaper early last year makes it quite clear as to who is incurring his wrath but who in Edinburgh political circles is listening ?

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