On March 30th 2017, The Edinburgh Playhouse will star Alyona Kistenyova and Olga Perrier on stage as the ‘most romantic opera ever written’, Puccini La Boheme, comes to the Scottish Capital.

Award-winning opera director and producer, Ellen Kent, is reaching out to the Edinburgh dog loving population to add to their cast. In fact, if you think your beloved pooch has star quality, then why not get him or her into the spotlight.

“People say never work with children or animals but I love to do both. The first time was 20 years ago when my pet cat Holly Go-Lightly was in one of my productions and was an instant hit. Since then we’ve had horses, dogs, goldfish and even a golden eagle with a 6ft wingspan on stage.”

“Many years ago when we last did La Boheme and asked local people to volunteer their pets it was a huge success. We even used a rescue dog once and found him dozens of new owners!

“We’re a nation of animal lovers after all. I’m sure there is plenty of doggie talent out there.”

Ellen is urging owners of well behaved dogs to email her a picture of your dog to ellen@ellenkent.co.uk. Include your contact number and address along with the breed, height, weight, age,  and name of your soon to be star.

As the owner of the successful dog, you’ll also have the chance to be on stage; albeit it mainly to look after your dog and make sure all of the fame doesn’t go to his head.

Puccini La Bohome is considered to be one of the most deeply touching performances on stage. One of life, love and loss on the ancient streets of romantic Paris.
If your pooch is successful, Ellen and her team will contact you before the performance.

Email ellen@ellenkent.co.uk or call 07775626869 for more details.

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Local Journalist and Writer based in Edinburgh @ryan_latto