Deidre Brock MP called for a last minute change of heart from the UK Government before a planned £30 a week cut to disability benefits comes into force in April.

Ms Brock joined disabled people and campaigners from disability charities outside the UK Parliament as they raised awareness of the £30 a week cut to Employment and Support Allowance for those in the Work Related Activity Group (ESA WRAG).

Ms Brock said: “As media attention focusses on the mess of Brexit the Tory Government is quietly pressing on with its austerity agenda and putting more vulnerable people into poverty.

“Taking £1500 a year from the benefits of people who are too ill or disabled to work is a callous move. The privileged millionaires on the Tory benches may not notice a cut of £30 cut from their weekly Waitrose bill, but that’s a big hit for people who already have enough challenges to face in daily life.

The role of Government should be to protect and support vulnerable citizens not increase stress and make them ill.”


“I urge the UK Government to listen to the voices of disabled people and halt these heartless cuts.”

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