
The council is struggling with a falling budget and growing population. We have all heard this before, but the problems are real ones, and they persist.  Now towards the end of the current administration which has made so many savings or cuts depending on your point of view a budget for the next financial year has to be drawn up.

As the council officers and the Finance Convener work their way towards a draft council budget which will be presented to the full council for approval in the New Year they ask you to have your say on their consultation which you will find here. 

IF you wish to grill the politicians who are responsible for council spending then you might be interested in the Question Time event on 10 November 2016.

The council website issues you an invitation :

Come along to Question Time, which we are holding for the third year with the Evening News. It will be chaired by Euan McGrory, Deputy Editor of Scotsman, Edinburgh Evening News and Scotland on Sunday.

And in case you need any more information they have produced a little infographic video to help: