Model Theatre from Korea.

The C too venue is to dream for, beautifully located just off the top of the High Street tucked over lower Victoria Street. (Signs from the terrace would be most beneficial folks.)

Telling the traditional tale of a peasant woodcutter who unwittingly summons a tiger during felling a tree, it transpires that this is his estranged brother.

We are faced with some narrative difficulties here because the dialogue is in Korean though during scene transitions there is an English translation of events so far. The accent is strong but understandable, but made much more difficult because of the poor audio quality.

The open scene is utterly charming as three UV lit luminous parasols glide whispering about the simple set stage. The gorgeous tiger mask formed of geometric patchwork fabric and bobble eyes is captivating.

[tweet_box design=”default”]The stylised mime choreography and symbolism would charm the pants off those whose fascination with oriental theatrical visual language is a particular bent.[/tweet_box]

The lighting works effectively, in one scene the subdued blue back light as the tiger shivers in the icy forest is wonderful. It is a show begging for a young audience who will naturally be wanting to know what is going on and will ask it out loud. The Edinburgh Reporter increased this performance attendance by 100%.

This one is worth one of those, ‘ Oh too hell with it, the title seems lovely, why not!’ Fringe punts that makes it all the more fun. So, eschew blinking, dare look in to the eye of the tiger.

Children’s Shows (storytelling, theatre)

C venues – C too (Venue 4). 11:45. Aug 4-15, 17-28. 45 minutes. Suitability: U (3 and older)

Country: Republic Of Korea

Group: Modl Theatre (Korea)
