Through the night over 550 people have been counting the votes cast in the EU Referendum here in Edinburgh. In common with all other local authority areas in Scotland, Edinburgh voted to Remain in the EU while all votes cast across the UK have delivered a slim majority to Leave the UK.


The EU Referendum results for Edinburgh’s five constituencies were announced at the Meadowbank Sports Centre:

74% of Edinburgh voters chose to remain in the European Union, with a 73% turnout for the city. Results for each constituency are listed in full below and full details of the results are on the Council website:

Edinburgh results by constituency

East constituency: 44,020 votes – 72% remain (31,821 votes); 28% leave (12,153 votes)

North & Leith constituency: 57,099 votes – 78% remain (44,618); 22% leave (12,435 votes)

South constituency: 47,649 votes – 78% remain (37,069 votes); 22% leave (10,549 votes)

South West constituency: 50,308 votes – 72% remain (36,269 votes); 28% leave (14,008 votes)

West constituency: 53,405 votes – 71% remain (38,019 votes); 29% leave (15,353 votes)

Counting Officer Andrew Kerr announced the results in the early hours of this morning.

He said: “It’s been great to see so many people turn out to have their say in the EU referendum, demonstrating how keen the Edinburgh public are to take part in the democratic process.

“It is with credit to the hard work of many Council staff, particularly the Election Team, that this vote has run so smoothly, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved.”

Turnout: 74%
Electorate: 346,073
Votes cast: 252,481
Votes to remain in the EU: 187,796; Votes to leave the EU: 64,498

A further 650 people worked during the day at the city’s 145 polling places.

For further details of the results and the EU Referendum, please see the Elections section of the Council website.