HolyRood 28

[tweet_box design=”default”]Gordon MacDonald has been returned to Holyrood for the second time with a majority of 2456 in Edinburgh Pentlands.[/tweet_box]

He told The Edinburgh Reporter how delighted he was to be heading back to Holyrood with an increased majority : “Our guys have been absolutely fantastic, but it is down to hard work. We’ve recruited lots of new members since the referendum and they’ve worked extremely hard.

“They’ve chapped every door in the constituency, they’ve delivered nearly a quarter of a million leaflets, they’ve manned stalls in every weather. Without the fantastic campaign team I have had I wouldn’t be here today.”

These were the candidates who stood in the Edinburgh Pentlands Constituency :

FARTHING-SYKES, Emma – Scottish Liberal Democrats (1636 votes)

HEARY, Blair – Scottish Labour Party (7811 votes)

LINDHURST, Gordon – Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party (10,725 votes)

MACDONALD, Gordon – Scottish National Party (SNP)
Gordon won this seat from the Conservatives in 2011 and was the MSP for the constituency till March 2016. (13,181 votes)