
A dedicated inquiry team has been set up at Govan Police Office, Glasgow to investigate acts of criminality that were carried out during the Scottish Cup Final between Rangers and Hibs at Hampden on Saturday 21 May 2016.

Officers are currently reviewing CCTV footage and other video and photographic images to identify those individuals involved in the disorder and other criminal behaviour on the pitch. Officers have currently arrested or reported 15 individuals to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Superintendent Kenny Graham, who is leading the investigation, said, “Our focus at the moment is on reviewing video and images in order that we identify those who were responsible for causing disorder, violence and anti-social behaviour on the pitch, not those who may have been caught up in the crowd.

“I am sure that there are people who witnessed or have captured incidents on their mobiles and it’s vital that we speak to them so we can view any material that could help us. Similarly, I am keen to appeal to the media to send any footage or images to us, as well as members of the public, as this could assist with the inquiry.

“We now have a dedicated email address set up to receive images and video from the public and media and I would urge them to send any material to  ScottishCupFinalPitchInvasion@Scotland.pnn.police.uk or by phoning the incident room on 0141 532 5457 (between office hours 0900 until 1700 hours).

“I understand that people may be reluctant to come forward but I want to reassure you that my focus is tracking down those involved in criminal behaviour.”

The public and media can contact the incident room on 0141 532 5457 or by emailing scottishcupfinalpitchinvasion@scotland.pnn.police.uk, alternatively, members of the public can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, where information can be provided anonymously.

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.