Today marked the end of a long campaign led by Wester Hailes Community Council when the newly reinstated underpass linking the Healthy Living Centre to the shopping centre was reopened. The passage is to be called Harvesters Link.

The walkway was closed in 1996 and even when the new Healthy Living Centre was opened in 2013 it became clear that the underpass would have to be reinstated. But the problem was who would pay for it?

The members of the community council have been tireless in their campaign to ensure a safe and step free link was reopened for all using the new Healthy Living Centre. The arched walkway lies underneath the railway just outside the Wester Hailes rail station, but as local MSP Gordon Macdonald explained safety was essential. He said: “The Community Council have been working hard as a team to produce an outcome that will have benefit for the whole community.

“They were insistent that this underpass would not create the same problems as others in the area such as the one on the Calder Road.
“This underpass has open sightlines which is much safer and it connects key areas such as the Healthy Living Centre and the shops.”
Vice Chair of the Wester Hailes Community Council Anne Denhom performed the ceremony before a small crowd of those who have been involved thoughout the campaign. The group then sought refuge from the rain the Healthy Living Centre where they enjoyed soup from the vegetables grown in the local Edible Estates projects.

The Edinburgh Reporter News from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.



Sadly the Chair of Wester Hailes Community Council John Aitchison was unable to be at the ceremony because of ill health, but the group sent him a very personalĀ message!