
What do you call a gathering of ecologists?

Light a Light tonight

Doors of Advent – open the door at the Assembly Rooms

Star Wars opens this week

Old Town Chambers win again

Ecologists are gathering in Edinburgh today to call for more research on rewilding, warning that without greater clarity on the term’s meaning and desired outcomes, the opportunities that rewilding offers could be jeopardised as the debate becomes increasingly polarised.

More than 1,000 ecologists gather in the capital this week for the British Ecological Society’s annual meeting, where Dr Nathalie Pettorelli of the Zoological Society of London is organising a session on rewilding.

With some 16 rewilding projects underway in the UK, the meeting will hear from those involved in reintroducing beavers to Scotland, rewilding schemes in Wales, as well as lessons we can learn from mainland Europe.

Rewilding stirs strong emotions among the public, landowners, farmers and campaigners, and Pettorelli hopes the session will shed some light on what is becoming an increasingly hot topic.

According to Professor Henrique Pereira from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research: “Rewilding is a fascinating topic for the public for two reasons. First, because it is a positive environmental story offering an opportunity to have more nature around us in the near future. 

“Second, because it arouses conflicting emotions. Some people worry about loss of cultural landscapes and others see an opportunity for having more space for wildlife.”

Pereira’s research focuses on grazers in Portugal’s Peneda-Gerês National Park and the bird life that has returned to the Oder Delta in Germany following restoration of natural flood plains.

Also speaking at the meeting is Dr Calum Brown of the University of Edinburgh, who thinks that while huge public interest represents a major opportunity for rewilding, competing interests must be acknowledged and accommodated.

“Since the last Ice Age, Scotland has gained and then lost a remarkable variety of species. There is now increasing interest in restoring some of this lost biodiversity and establishing ‘rewilded’ areas where natural processes can once again occur uninterrupted. However, there are many other interests at play in modern Scotland, and restoration projects must take account of their social, political, economic and environmental contexts if they are to be successful,” he says.

St Columba’s Hospice will be turning on the lights on the Tree of Remembrance in Charlotte Square Gardens. The large Christmas tree will be lit up following speeches from Sir Tom Farmer, sponsor of the event; and Hospice nurse Rona Thornton. There will also be carol singing before the tree is lit up to remember those who have passed away.

Charlotte Square Gardens at 6.30pm.


You are invited to discover the hidden heritage of Edinburgh’s Assembly Rooms today as the historic George Street venue joins the capital’s 24 Doors of Advent celebration.

Day 14 of Edinburgh’s real-life advent calendar adventure will invite visitors into a world of captivating history, with highlights including the splendid sights of the 18thcentury ballroom and impressive acoustics of the A-listed building’s Music Hall.

Read more here.

Will this be the earliest showing of the new Star Wars movie in Edinburgh? The Dominion on Newbattle Terrace are showing it on Wednesday 16 December at 23.40. Has anyone got any advance on that?

Tickets are here.

Meanwhile here is the trailer:

Old Town Chambers, luxury five star serviced apartments found in the heart of old Edinburgh, has scooped two industry awards for best guest experience and best hospitality, at the annual Association of Serviced Apartment Providers (ASAP) Awards.

The annual convention, which is in its 6th year, took place in London on Thursday 3rd of December, giving industry peers a chance to meet with key operators, suppliers and agents, before the glitzy dinner and awards were announced.

Read more here

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