Changes to the city’s bus lanes are to be trialled from Monday 5 October.
One trial will mean that most all day bus lanes change to peak period lanes in order to standardise operating hours, while another will open the majority of bus lanes to motorcyclists at all times.
“By allowing motorcyclists to use bus lanes we will also be making their journeys both safer and quicker, with little or no impact on buses. Both trials will be closely monitored throughout to assess the impact on all road users.”
However, following the introduction of bus lane camera enforcement in 2012, it was found that many drivers were confused over operating hours of bus lanes in the city.
Under the trial, all day bus lanes, which currently operate:
- 7:30am – 6:30pm on Mondays to Fridays; and
- 8:30am – 6:30pm on Saturdays.
Will be changed to peak periods bus lanes which operate:
- 7:30am – 9:30am and 4:00pm – 6:30pm on Mondays to Fridays.
All vehicles may not use 24 hour bus lanes and bus gates which are reserved to buses, taxis, cyclists and emergency vehicles.
These trials are expected to last at least nine months. This will allow comprehensive data to be collected to assess the actual impact of the changes on all bus lane user groups prior to making any decision on permanent changes.
Further consultation with major user groups will be undertaken as part of the assessment of the trials. A report on the outcomes of this assessment will be presented to the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee in Autumn 2016.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.