Bridgend campaigners celebrate
Bridgend campaigners celebrate

Edinburgh Councillors  have agreed to transfer Bridgend farmhouse to a local community group for no cost, allowing it to apply for Lottery funding to restore the building – on the western edge of Craigmillar Castle Park  – and open it as an outdoor centre.

This is the first time the Council have offered such a valuable public asset in this way to a charitable group. It will allow funds to be raised for the renovation of the run-down building, and enable partnership delivery of much-needed local health and social services.
The project’s success now hinges on a successful Lottery bid for close to £1m to transform the building and grounds into a centre for Learning, Eating and Exercise. Indications are positive, and the final decision is due on October 7th.
Bridgend Inspiring Growth (BIG) chair Will Golding said: “We are all absolutely delighted that all the incredible hard work, support and volunteer effort has paid off and been rewarded. We are so pleased that a positive decision has been made for local people, place and the community that is ever growing around Bridgend Farmhouse.
” It is a testament to the City of Edinburgh Council that they were willing to recognise the value of the project and support what really matters here by transferring the asset. We had loads of members and supporters turn up on the day which helped give us hope and enthusiasm as the final decision was debated and decided on. We are thankful to everyone for all their kind words and help in these last few days particularly.
“Now we move forward to the final Big Lottery funding decision in a few weeks. We have everything in place now and have fingers crossed that there will be good news from the Lottery when it goes to committee. After five and half years of preparation we are all now keen to get working on the renovation and development of the Bridgend Centre for Learning, Eating and Exercise.
Bridgend farmhouse
Bridgend farmhouse