
Save Allan Park Campaign

Beltane Fire Festival

Edinburgh West – candidates on video

Sandy Bell’s

St Columba’s Quiz night

The residents of Allan Park Crescent met earlier this week at nearby Craiglockhart Parish Church to discuss their objections to the planning application which has been made relating to a house in their street.

The potential buyer of one of the line of 1930s bungalows wants to demolish it and drive an access roadway through to the care home site behind. A number of people object to the planning application, and we have spoken to some of the supporters of the campaign.


The Fire Festival on Calton Hill took place last night to mark the real start to summer. We were sorry not to be able to go and have a look at the festivities. Were you there? Tweet us some photos if you were!


We have interviewed all candidates representing Edinburgh West and you can watch all of our video interviews with them by clicking here.


Louise Dautheribes McKerl is a French/Scottish (she apologises for the French part!) filmmaker who has collaborated with the pub Sandy Bell’s to make acoustic music videos, in order to promote Scottish bands, with fresh tunes in a great reputated Scottish pub. Through these Sandy Bell’s sessions, Scottish art will be spread widely.


St Columba’s Hospice are holding a quiz…

There are just two weeks left to get your hands on tickets for the St Columba’s Hospice Giant Pub Quiz!

Bring your friends, colleagues and family along to Edinburgh Corn Exchange on 14th May 2015 and be in with a chance of winning the £600 prize fund!

Tickets are £15 a head (or £75 for a team of six) which includes a pie and a pint and a whole lot of fun and healthy competition!

Get your creative thinking caps on because there is a prize for the best team name also.

It’s a great night with lots of laughs and it’s all in aid of St Columba’s Hospice – a charity which provides care and treatment for those with life limiting illnesses in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and support for their families.

The night starts at 7pm for a 7.30pm quiz start and is open to anyone over the age of 18 – to buy your tickets e-mail fund@stcolumbashospice.org.uk or call 0131 551 1381.

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