2015_04_19 EDI City Views-27

Council news

Gretna 100

Edinburgh Art Festival has begun!

Granny Green 

Police Scotland are recruiting

At the full council meeting this Thursday there are a lot of administrative matters to be dealt with. Councillor Ricky Henderson who was a candidate in the recent General Election is to be reinstated to the NHS Lothian Board. New Board members have been appointed at Lothian Buses and Transport for Edinburgh.

The new board members at Edinburgh Tram will include Charles Monheim as Chair, Charlene Wallace and Andy Neal. Mr Neal was until recently the CEO at Essential Edinburgh.

Former MSP Susan Deacon bas been appointed to the Board of Lothian Buses along with Jim McFarlane (Chair), Tony Rose, Mark Yexley and Charlene Wallace.

But apart from that the council will approve a feasibility study to look into a master plan for developing the future of Custom House which has been let to the Scottish Historic Buildings Trust on an internal repairing lease for five years with a further 99 year lease on a full commercial basis.

The feasibility study will cost £50,000 and will investigate lodging applications for funding of around £10m which is needed to restore the building.


Over this last weekend on the centenary of the Quintinshill rail disaster the sacrifice of the 1/7th Battalion of the Royal Scots was remembered in a variety of ways. We spoke to Jan Bee-Brown the curator of an exhibition which will continue over the summer:

The Edinburgh Reporter News from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.



A new exhibition at The Scottish National Portrait Gallery, featuring approximately 100 photographs focuses on the relationship between Lee Miller, Roland Penrose and Pablo Picasso has just opened in the last couple of days.

Lee Miller first met Picasso in the summer of 1937 at Hotel Vaste Horizon where she was staying with Roland Penrose. In the ensuing years she photographed the Spanish artist more than 1,000 times and he in turn, painted her portrait six times. Lee Miller and Picasso features photographs by Miller and a painting and drawing by Picasso and reveals the love and experiences of their long-lasting friendship.

Image: Lee Miller, Lee Miller and Picasso after the liberation of Paris, Paris, France, 1944 © Lee Miller Archives, England 2015. All rights reserved. © Succession/DACS, London, 2015.


At the Scottish National Portrait Gallery later this week, Granny Green, a recently formed trio of trumpet, tuba and accordion, will perform a mixed programme of classic Scottish and wartime tunes brought into the modern day by the quirky arrangements of the ensemble. The programme will include It’s a long way to Tipperary, Herr Roloff’s Farewell and When the War is Over.

No booking required – Thursday, 28th May 2015, 6-6.30pm


Police Scotland are recruiting but you have to book yourself a place on their briefing session for police officers or special constables on Tuesday 28th July 2015 – 18.30 – Police Station, Fettes Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 1RB


To reserve a place you have to email policerecruitingunitedinburgh@scotland.pnn.police.uk with the header ‘Insight Edinburgh’, detailing your name, email address and mobile telephone number.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.