The Arctic Convoy Star and four other medals were presented to Edinburgh resident Christina McKay, after her local Councillor Dominic Heslop uncovered missing war decorations meant for her late brother. Mrs McKay was emotional when the medals were presented to her, but you can see the sheer delight from the photos we took of her at the City Chambers this afternoon.

After efforts to trace war records and birth and death certificates from Whitehall departments, Pentland Hills Councillor Dominic Heslop was able to obtain information about missing medals for Mrs McKay’s late brother Mr Ian McCuaig, who served in the Arctic Convoys to the Soviet Union during the Second World War.

The Arctic Convoys suffered some of the most challenging and dangerous expeditions, in freezing conditions, to deliver vital supplies to Russia during WW2. Mr McCuaig survived the war but tragically died in an accident in 1976, unaware that he was entitled to five war decorations.

The Arctic Convoy Star was presented to Mrs McKay and members of her family by the Lord Provost, Donald Wilson along with the following additional medals:

  • 1939-45 Star
  • War Medal
  • Atlantic Star
  • Africa Clasp