
Yes it really is that time of the year again. The Christmas Wheel is now up in Princes Street Gardens and the Star Flyer is whizzing people to screaming pitch alongside this year.

In St Andrew Square, much to the chagrin of the Broughton Spurtle, the whole area has the tinge of mulled wine in the air and snow on the horizon.


In a slightly incongruous match the airline Quatar Airways has become the main sponsor of the new ice rink around the Melville Monument. Although we are not sure that ice skating is a common activity in the Middle East, flying is and they have a sales outlet nearby to entice you to book your next flight with them.

The stages along George Street were much better spaced out this year and there was not the crushing and pushing that we encountered previously. We chose to go up the Mound for a different view and found that the street there was closed off and fairly empty, making it easier to concentrate on getting some shots of the Wheel.


We hope our short video will give you a flavour of what we saw. Edinburgh’s Christmas runs till 4 January 2015.

The Edinburgh Reporter NEWS Edinburgh’s Christmas from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.