Boroughmuir group

A sod cutting event to mark the start of construction work at the new Boroughmuir High School in Edinburgh took place this morning. The photo courtesy of City of Edinburgh Council shows Cllr Cathy Fullerton, S3 pupil Rory Garbutt, Dr Alasdair Allan, Cllr Paul Godzik and S1 pupil Priyanka Kiran.

Dr Alasdair Allan, Scottish Government Minister for Learning, was the guest of honour for the official ceremony on the site on which the new school will be built in Fountainbridge.

He was joined at the event by pupils and staff from the school, City of Edinburgh Council Education, Children and Families Convener Cllr Paul Godzik and Vice-Convener Cllr Cathy Fullerton and representatives from contractors O’Hare and McGovern.

The new Boroughmuir High School is being part funded through the Scottish Government’s Scotland’s Schools for the Future programme which is managed by the Scottish Futures Trust.

The school is due to be ready for pupils starting the 2016/17 school year in August 2016 and is being built on a site 500m away from the current Viewforth building.

Boroughmuir High School_2

The design for the canal-side site includes:

teaching areas arranged around a multi-functional ‘heart’, or atrium,

traditional classrooms offering easy access to collaborative break out areas,

enhanced facilities for physical activity and external learning, including a unique roof-top multi-use external games area,

a new public park, along the canal’s north bank, next to the new school building which will create a vibrant public space next to the waterway and towpath.

Boroughmuir High School_1Councillor Paul Godzik, Education, Children and Families Convener, said: “It’s great to see the first phase of construction work starting on the new school as pupils, parents and teachers have been waiting a long time for this special day.

“Today’s event reinforces the Capital Coalition’s commitment to investing in our school estate and follows on from last month’s similar event for the new Portobello High School and the excellent progress which has already been made to deliver the new James Gillespie’s High School.

“Boroughmuir has a first-class academic track record, and the focus is now firmly on delivering a new school that provides an equally impressive learning environment.”

Dr Allan said: “I was delighted to perform the sod cutting at Boroughmuir High School to officially mark the start of construction of what will be a fantastic new school for the area. The Scottish Government is committed to delivering high quality, well designed, sustainable schools through the £1.8 billion Scotland’s Schools for the Future programme and I’m pleased we could provide more than £17 million funding for this project.

“I’m particularly impressed by the ambitious plans for this new school and I’m confident it will provide an excellent environment for young people to learn in for generations to come.”

Boroughmuir pupilsCathal O’Hare, Contracts Manager for O’Hare and McGovern, said the company was determined to make Boroughmuir school a flagship project and eventually a landmark building in Edinburgh.

He said: “This is a massively prestigious project for us at OHMG.  It signifies our growing presence in Scotland and the fact that it’s in Edinburgh makes it extra special.

“We want to provide a building of which staff, pupils and parents can be really proud. The school has had a long and distinguished tradition. It is so much part of the area’s social history and we want to make sure future generations will benefit from a first class educational facility.”

Gemma Boggs, schools programme director with Scottish Futures Trust, said: “A school with a football pitch on the roof is completely unique and is a cracking example of how innovative thinking can help provide first-class facilities for pupils by making best use of available resources.”