2014_04_24 Castle



Garden Story Time: a special story time session for under-12s, with stories outside, growing your own salads and learning about healthy eating.  2.30-3.30pm Moredun Library,

Ruskin Opening Lecture – ‘The Innocence of the Eye’: Ruskin Revealed.  Christopher Newall, art historian and curator, will focus on the creative genius of Ruskin and how this is quintessentially represented in his draughtsmanship.  2-3pm, Hawthornden Lecture Theatre, Scottish National Gallery, The Mound.  Free but tickets required: available from the Information Desk at the National Gallery or on the door, subject to availability.

Images of Childhood: Portrait Gallery Thematic Tours. Emily Learmont looks at the way our perceptions of childhood have changed over the centuries, and how portraiture has reflected this. 2-2.45pm and 3-3.45pm, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street.  Free and unticketed.

GENERATION tours: discussion-led tours of the exhibition, focusing on key themes and artists. 11-11.45am and 1-1.45pm, Modern One, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.  Free and unticketed.

Zoo Arts Extra: Summer Animation Project.  Outdoor filming and stop motion performance animation – book now for all or part of this four day summer project. Come with your family or by yourself to watch a treasure trove of inspiring artists’ animations.  The artist Alice Betts will introduce a range of techniques, including sound recording and editing, whilst filming around Muirhouse. Create your own short animated films: there will be a screening of the final production at the Filmhouse. Snacks and/or meals will be provided each day.  10am-1pm today, then 10am-3pm on Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th July and 10am-1pm on Saturday 12th.  Suitable for ages 9+ and adults.  North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court.  Free but a returnable deposit of £2 per session or £5 for all four sessions will be required.   Contact 0131 315 2151 for more information.

Hugh Murdoch: a new exhibition including over a dozen new acquisitions from Hugh Murdoch’s estate. Opens today, then 10am-5pm, Monday to Saturday, Doubtfire Gallery, 3 South East Circus Place.

Your Green Spaces: spend a day exploring some of Edinburgh’s iconic green spaces. In the morning take a tour of some of the spaces with the Garden History Society in Scotland  – come dressed for the weather and wear comfy shoes!  In the afternoon work with artist Erik Petrie to create some amazing artwork interpreting your experiences and imagining your vision of these spaces. The afternoon session is optional. Free and suitable for all ages.  10am-4pm, City Art Centre, Market Street.  To book call 0131 529 3993.