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Several people are now subject to criminal proceedings following the first public enforcement day of Operation Wolf.

Around 40 officers and seven partner agency representatives were deployed across the Leith area yesterday to tackle the issues the local community identified as a policing priority.

During the high-visibility patrols that were carried out, four people were arrested for drug and warrant offences, while a further 16 people have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for various road traffic offences.

During the stop and search activity that was undertaken, evidence was found which led to three properties in Midlothian being searched.

As a result, diamorphine and ÂŁ3,000 cash were recovered along with a number of items believed to be stolen property.

In addition, local policing teams carried out 28 visits to licensed premises and a further five people were issued with fixed penalty notice tickets in relation to antisocial drinking.

All of the activity undertaken as part of Operation Wolf yesterday yielded vital intelligence on ongoing criminal activity and this will all be progressed accordingly during the initiative.

Superintendent Matt Richards said: “Our communities in Leith identified drugs, antisocial behaviour and violence as local concerns and yesterday’s activity was specifically tailored to tackle these issues.

“A number of arrests and reports to the Procurator Fiscal were made for a variety of offences with quantities of drugs and potentially stolen property seized.

“More importantly, however, we were able to demonstrate our commitment to our communities by acting on the information they provide us with responding through the dedication of appropriate resources.

“Operation Wolf is about meeting the needs of the public through the information they provide us with in our policing plans. Enforcement days will continue throughout the coming days and weeks to address a range of offences and issues impacting on communities throughout Edinburgh.”

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.