2014_04_24 CastleSaturday 17 May – The Festival of Museums

The Object of Art is to Give Life Shape: learn about the popular artistic styles of the 1940s & explore the limitations on available artistic materials.  A demonstration of techniques by Rachel Hosker and Joan Smith will be followed by a chance to have a go yourself.  2-3.30pm, Edinburgh College of Art Sculpture Court, 74 Lauriston Place.  Free but places must be booked via eventbrite.  Part  of the Festival of Museums.

Bruncheon featuring the Sound of Muesli: Bongo Club Performers head down to Leith for the day.  Live music plus a delicious brunch menu at the Drill Hall Arts Cafe.  11.30am-3pm, Out of the Blue, 36 Dalmeny Street: 0131 500 7100

Out of the Blue Showcase Day and Building Tours: come and get a taste of what’s on offer; drama, music, art and circus skills.  Tours will include artists at work and a look at the building’s architectural and historic significance.  10am-5pm, drop-in, no need to to book.  Call 0131 555 7100 for details.

Surgeons’ Hall: The Great Exhibition – a celebration of the museum as it was, and a chance for you to create artworks and to choose your favourite part of the museum.  Architectural drawing, pathology modelling, forensic skull drawing and bookmaking – sessions throughout the day, with special guests too. Entry free today.  Art events also free but must be booked via the Museum’s eventbrite (which has details of all sessions) to ensure a place. 10am-3pm. Suitable for all ages but under-12s must be accompanied by an adult.  Call 0131 527 1711 for more details.

Wendy Carle Taylor: a special musical performance to mark the last day at the Surgeons’ Hall before it closes for refurbishment.  A selection of songs inspired by Edinburgh’s medical history.  ‘She moves her audience to tears, laughter, shivers and delight.’  5-5.40pm.  Free tickets available via eventbrite.  Contact Surgeons’ Hall for more information: 0131 527 1711. Part of the Festival of Museums.

St Giles’ Cathedral Lunchtime Concert with guitarist Michael Christian Durrant.  12.15pm.

A Broad View: workshop to experiment with unusual format landscape drawings & paper constructions, led by artist Tessa Asquith-Lamb. Adults only. 10.30am-3.30pm, City Arts Centre, 2 Market Street.  Free, but booking required – to book contact Margaret Findlay on 0131 529 3963 or email margaret.findlay@edinburgh.gov.uk

James Craig – Unplugged: Dr Anthony Lewis gives a fascinating insight into the life of James Craig, who at 26 years old won a competition to design Edinburgh’s New Town. 2pm at the City Arts Centre.  Adults only. Free: booking as for A Broad View (above.)  In partnership with the Cockburn Association and Previously….

Participative, dynamic and HUGE...creating a giant performance drawing.  Artist Damien Callan will produce a giant charcoal drawing of a scene in the Centre’s A Capital View exhibition. Visitors can watch the artwork evolve AND can model for figures in the drawing.  Free, all ages, 12-5pm and continuing on Sunday.  Booking as for A Broad View (above.) Part  of the Festival of Museums.

3D Maps – a drop-in workshop for families. Create your own 3D map of Edinburgh.  Free, no booking required, 1.30-3.30pm City Arts Centre. 2 Market Street.