karenkeilbigCouncillor Karen Keil was first elected at the council elections in May 2012. She is a Labour councillor who represents Drum Brae/ Gyle Ward.

What are you doing to celebrate International Women’s Day?

I think I am now attending an event at St Columba’s by the Castle!

What is your job?

Councillor for City of Edinburgh

Would you give us a quick version of your career path?

University of Edinburgh – BD Degree

Admin Assistant for Church of Scotland Simpson House (Drug and Alcohol Counselling Service) – 5 years

Admin Assistant for Christian Aid (Third World Development Agency) – 20 years

Variety of voluntary community activities at the same time,

Now a City of Edinburgh Councillor

If you had been given career advice on leaving school (knowing what you know now!) what would it have been?

Don’t listen to the Careers Advisers!!! Follow your heart, follow your opportunities, work for what you want.

My careers advice to my two student daughters – there is nothing you cannot do.

Do you use any formal networking organisations? If you do which ones do you find useful?

Women’s organisations – no, not at all.

Do you think there are enough women in important positions in private and public organisations in Edinburgh?

Probably not but I can’t honestly comment because I don’t know.

Who is your inspirational female figure and why?

I could say Lesley Hinds who has taught me all I know about being a Councillor!

But the most inspirational woman in my life was my paternal grandmother. She was known as the Duchess she looked after a husband, three sons and her father. She was a clever woman trapped by the circumstances of her age.  She was on every Board, Committee and Trust that would have her in a voluntary capacity.  She was also a tyrant who ruled the men in her life with an iron fist!!  She died in the 1980s aged 87.