Edinburgh 11

TUC day of action – Development Management Sub Committee meets today – Grange Prestonfield Community Council – Photography exhibition in January – Talk on Horticulture

Today the TUC have put out a call for a national day of action on blacklisting. Anyone who wishes to support them should gather outside The Scottish Parliament from 12 noon.

There will be a meeting inside Holyrood to show support for an end to what they view as a human rights scandal.

Contact Neil Findlay MSP, the TUC or UCATT for further details.


The council’s Development Management Sub-Committee meets today to discuss some planning matters across the city.

Residents who live at the west end of Rose Street are especially troubled that their objections to the planning application to convert the church at 204 Rose Street into a bar appear to have fallen on deaf ears. The plans include conversion of the property into a family based bar with acoustic bands and live sports events on big screens. The applicants state that only the ground floor would be used on quieter days, but it is the weekends and late nights that local residents are worried about.


Tonight at 7:00pm Grange Prestonfield Community Council will meet at Cameron House Community Education Centre, 34 Prestonfield Avenue, EH16 5EU



New works will be shown in January by Christopher Fernandez. O’Dea is an action adventure based photography narrative with an unlikely leading male; looking to uncover the identity of his pursuers.

O’Dea will act as a commentary on the ‘wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time’ genre. Ranging from the likes of North by Northwest to modern day action films. My aim is to parody the idea of the Hollywood Every-man; substituting a more contemporary Scottish Every-man in place of the traditional handsome leading male. At the same time, pay tribute to the style and aesthetics of US and world cinema alike.

Edinburgh – Whitespace Gallery
25 – 30 Jan

