Vice-Convener of Culture & Leisure
Vice-Convenor of Culture & Leisure

Councillor Norma Austin Hart is the Labour Councillor for Liberton/Gilmerton. Councillor Hart is the Vice-Convenor for Culture and Sport and this weekend she is attending the Labour Party’s National Women’s Conference in Brighton.

She is keeping us up to date with her conference experience from Brighton where she is a delegate.

There has been much cover of Ed Miliband’s speech in the media and he seems to have got to the big energy companies! The repeal of the bedroom tax had been well trailed and It was enthusiastically received in the conference hall of course. I was on the platform and can confirm he spoke for over an hour without any notes. It was the speech of a leader in waiting, confident, populist and engaging. I am biased of course!

Today we are debating issues about stronger safer communities and health care. There will be votes on the privatisation of the Royal Mail and the Lobbying bill. And this afternoon Doreen Lawrence will address conference before a final Q and A with Ed Miliband.

And now from Councillor Austin Hart’s Twitter feed (which is getting a lot of use down there in Brighton!)


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.