

Unite plan more action in Edinburgh today as part of their campaign for workers’ rights. The union’s bitter dispute with the BFK consortium on the Crossrail construction project is now entering its 11th month.

Unite and blacklisted workers will hold protests across Scotland’s capital pressing BFK clients in both the public and private sector support the re-instatement of the dismissed workers.

The BFK (Bam, Ferrovial and Kier) construction consortium is responsible for the dismissal of Unite shop steward Frank Morris and 27 other construction workers. Unite believe that the actions of the BFK consortium are tantamount to ‘blacklisting’. Messages of support from unions and workers across the world have been received delivering a clear message to BFK that their illegal and atrocious blacklisting of trade union members must end.

Unite Scottish Secretary Pat Rafferty said:- “We remain resolute in our support of Frank Morris and the dismissed workers. BFK will not be allowed to ignore the rights of workers. They must take responsibility for their actions and it’s time they atone for their wrongdoings. The BFK consortium can, at any time, end this dispute and I ask them to meet the reasonable demands of Unite and allow Frank to return to work on the Crossrail project.”

The Edinburgh Reporter met Willie Thomson of Unite a few weeks ago to find out more about the campaign:-

Unite are planning action today on Lothian Road, at Edinburgh Airport and at Amey’s office in Edinburgh.


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.