police scotland2Police in Edinburgh have seized £60,000 worth of the class B drug Methylethcathinone from an address in the Wester Hailes area of the Capital.

Officers raided the address in Morvenside yesterday where they arrested and charged a 34-year-old man and 30-year-old woman.  In addition to the drugs, officers also seized £26,000 in cash.

The pair were scheduled to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today in connection with drugs offences, as well as offences under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Detective Inspector Stuart Harkness, from Police Scotland, said: “Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe, and we will always act on any information we receive regarding suspected drug dealers operating in local communities.

“I would encourage members of the public to help make our communities safer by reporting any suspicions they have regarding drugs or associated criminal activity, either by calling Police Scotland on 101, or making an anonymous report through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

“Rest assured that any information received will be acted on, and treated in the strictest confidence.”