Easter Road

Hibs new boy Fraser Mullen believes that his Glasgow background made it easier to cross the great divide of Edinburgh football and claims that he expects some ‘banter’ should me make the Hibs’ team for the first derby of the season at Tynecastle.

The teenage full back who started his Hibs career with a sensational 30 yard free kick against Gibraltar insists that he was delighted to move to Easter Road and vows that he won’t be bothered with by any taunts from the supporters of the side who released him at the termination of his contract.

Speaking at the weekly press conference, Mullen said: “There was a bit of a wait because when I was told, I was still injured. I didn’t know what to think at the time and then a few weeks later my agent told me about Hibs.

“At first I never really expected any of it and then it became apparent that I could sign for them and I was delighted I would get the chance to come to a club like this. It was a brilliant chance for me so I couldn’t say no to it”.

“I was shocked at the time, but when I first heard I was taken aback because I would never have expected that. I couldn’t turn the chance down. I didn’t have a clue they would come in for me. I had a think about the offers I had and Hibs were the best one.

“I’m not from Edinburgh, so I’m not a Hibs or a Hearts supporter. That made things a bit easier for me. I just thought about it as a football player and a job. It was the best offer I had so I signed.”

Mullen’s last game for Hearts was at Easter Road where he suffered a serious injury following a tackle on Matt Done, and he received little sympathy from the Hibs fans in the East Stand and he limped his way around the pitch.

“I got a bit of abuse that day walking around the park,” he recalled. “That’s football. You’ve got to expect that.

If I do get the chance to play (at Tynecastle) I’ll try to look on it as just another game and not let it get to me. I’m sure I’ll be a fine. As a full-back you’re right up against the fans, especially at Tynecastle where the fans are close to the pitch.

“You expect a wee bit of banter about crossing the city. I’m not really too bothered about it.

“The Hearts boys are having a wee bit of banter but they’re all wishing me the best of luck. They’re a good bunch of boys and I’ve known them since I was young.”

Hibs travel to Kirkcaldy tonight to take on Raith Rovers in a friendly as they prepare for next week’s European trip to Malmo in Sweden.

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.