The Edinburgh Reporter Balmoral Hotel
















Discovery of human remains – Council consultation on housing – Lost Voices -Festival at Summerhall -Weather 

Police Scotland have confirmed that the human remains found yesterday evening in Seafield Place next to Seafiled cemetery are those of an infant child. More news is expected later today when the police call a press conference.


The council want to hear from you on ways to encourage a cooperative approach to housing. The consultation ends on Wednesday 31 July and aims to find out more about ways to develop co-operative housing arrangements.

You can read the council’s draft framework and contribute by email or by completing a survey here.

This week the play Lost Voices will premiere at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Nothing unremarkable in that since we shall be inundated with theatre, music and dance over the next month.

But this play is partly the work of Leither, Alex Wilson, who has co-written a story about Pan Am 103 on the 25th anniversary of the plane crashing over Lockerbie, along with Lee Gershuny of Elements Theatre, and is now helping to bring the production to the stage.

Lockerbie: Lost Voices

Scottish Storytelling Centre Fringe – Netherbow Theatre at Fringe

For the 25th anniversary of the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, this new play gives voice to six hypothetical passengers before and after the event. A US intelligence agent, a Scottish investigative journalist, a retired couple and a mother and her stepdaughter challenge each other with humour, love and courage to either accept the unacceptable or stand up for their personal truth. In poetic language and with original choral music, they speak from the neutrality of death and shed new light on the worst terrorist attack in the UK. Age Category: 12+


Tickets here.


Summerhall comes alive this Festival with a huge array of events for you to go and see from theatre to dance, visual art to talks, it all gets going this Friday and you can find your tickets here.

You can also just hang out in the cafe there… this might give you a flavour of what to expect:-


The weather is never far from our thoughts, and recently it has all been good thoughts. But today, sadly, it will all be about the rain it seems….

The Met Office has the following good news for you:-

  • Today

    Early fog patches soon clearing to leave a day of sunny intervals and scattered showers. These showers will become heavy this afternoon with a risk of thunder. Best of the sunshine towards Dunbar and Berwick. Moderate southwesterly wind.

  • Tonight

    Showers becoming lighter and less frequent this evening to leave most places with a dry night although a few showers are still possible around Edinburgh and the Lothians

This weather forecast is generated by the Met Office Weather Widget