
Big Belly Dates & Times: 1 – 25 (not 14th) August @14:40 (15:40) Tickets: Preview: £6 Normal: £10 – £11 Concessions: £9 – £10

Winner of the prestigious IdeasTap Underbelly Award, ANTLER Theatre – a young company to watch (The Scotsman) – present Where the White Stops.  Noone’s been into the White before.  Except Crab.  Battling against icy blizzards, mythical beasts and her own imagination, Crab leaves the safety of her village to journey across a vast and desolate frozen landscape.  She’s searching for something else.  Where the White stops.  Using polyphonic song and comic playful physical storytelling, ANTLER tells the great adventure of Crab, and her tragic obsession with the unknown.

The White is a perilous place.  Crab’s only knowledge of it comes from the songs and stories passed down by the people of her village.  Those who stray into the White go mad, starve or are hunted by the Beast.  Ignoring the cautionary tales of her elders, Crab ventures out, alone. Greater than her fear, is her curiosity.  After months of walking through the snow, the bleakness is interrupted by a host of eccentric characters; a hostile encounter with a one armed exile, an unexpected arrival from loyal, chicken-hearted Narwahl, and a meaningful friendship formed with indigenous loner, Wodwo.  Convinced by Crab’s unfaltering optimism they join her quest but how far can they walk before the fierce dangers of the White catch up with them?

Where the White Stops is a story of modern parallels, of fulfilment and of always wanting to do more.  Switching between action adventure, and lo-fi comic storytelling, ANTLER look at the nature of fulfilment and our need for a great quest. A tragic tale of epic proportions told by five performers, using only their coats, bags and a few handheld plastic fans.

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.