
Name the Bridge  – Brothers Grimm at the Scottish Storytelling Centre – EIFF App – Festival of Cycling – Join the Complaints Choir!

Last day today to have your say on naming the Forth Replacement Crossing. All you have to do is log on to the Name the Bridge website and cast your vote on the five options now open to you.


svenjakrügerpresseSvenja Krüger will perform in two extraordinary shows – one for adults, another for children – at the Scottish Storytelling Centre today and tomorrow.

Linking to the 200th Anniversary of the tales of the Brothers Grimm, the evening programme “Alike & Afar” on Friday 7 June  will concentrate on the connection between long lost Scottish folk tales and the classic tales of the two gifted yarn spinners from Germany. Performing with Svenja is great Scottish teller Calum Lykan who is freshly recruited to the Storytelling Centre.

In the event “Taste the Tale and Smell the Story” on Saturday 8 June 2013 (11am and 3pm) children will experience the tales of the Brothers Grimm using their whole being. Feeling, smelling, singing along and joining in will all be part of the show, so the children can become part of the stories.


The Edinburgh International Film Festival app is now live. The films start on 19 June so you have time to get yourself organised!
The nice people at EIFF said:-” We are excited to announce that our EIFF app is now available to download to your iPhone and Android devices. Using our app you are able to browse the EIFF programme, select your favourite films and events, create your own schedule, and watch trailers and clips from the Festival, all from the palm of your hand. You can also share your selections with your friends across Twitter and Facebookas well as keep up to date with the latest Festival news. Most importantly, our app is FREE. So what are you waiting for? ” Indeed what are you waiting for?


The Edinburgh Festival of Cycling starts on 15 June with loads of events and talks to entertain you. We have two competitions for you to win tickets to two really popular events – so get on over to our competitions articles here and here…. Good luck!



We love this idea: a choir which aims to get loads off your chest – Sing about anything you want to complain about!  And you can join the choir now…..As part of the Edinburgh Art Festival….


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.