East Coast kicks up a storm on Twitter – Pedal on Parliament back at Holyrood- Royal visit to Edinburgh today – Growing Greener Futures – Refuse collection reminder service

Clearly the person who mans the East Coast Twitter account was either very tired and fed up with all the complaints from yesterday, or indeed has a great sense of humour. With trains being cancelled and rerouted the tweets were flowing thick and fast.


We really quite admired the humour in this tweet, given that yesterday must have been a very fraught day for any travellers and anyone who was trying to get them there. The original message is not fit for publication, suffice to say that it was to impart some dissatisfaction….!



Dr Dave Brennan who is co-organiser of Pedal on Parliament is giving evidence to Holyrood’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee this morning. Pedal on Parliament have been campaigning for 5% of the Transport budget to be spent on cycling infrastructure.

You can read what he will say here:-

Transport and Infrastructure Committee Final


Prince Philip will be in Edinburgh presenting awards at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on George Street later today according to the Press Association.  Royal Medals which are the highest award the Society can bestow will be given to Dr David Milne and Professor Sir Edwin Southern for biomedical research and microelectronics development respectively.


For those lucky enough to have a garden or an allotment FEDAGA which is the Federation of Edinburgh and District Allotments and Gardens Associations, are running a 12-week course starting from tomorrow to help you learn about organic gardening. More details on their website.


From the Rubbish and recycling page on the Council website you can be directed to GreenBoxDay which will send you an email reminder when it is the day for your recycling to go out for collection. Does not seem to work for ordinary rubbish only recycling. But it might help us all remember the new collection days….. And the council will have the backlog sorted by then we hope!