Rubbish problems in the city – Stormy weather – Cameo today – New name for the Caley and a new spa


Some readers have reported that their refuse has not been collected under the new system which started recently. Councillor Hinds had given an assurance to the council meeting last week that the backlog would be cleared by yesterday but there are still some pockets where the uncollected refuse is a problem. Read our article here…

Councillor Lesley Hinds has written a blog on the Council website and has said this:-“Big changes like the ones we have implemented rarely go perfectly the first time, but please be assured that we are addressing these issues and I am confident that in the coming days these problems will be ironed out.

I would like to thank the many residents across the city who have already added recycling to their daily routine. Anyone who would like to find out how to join them or are concerned about the changes to bin collections can phone 0131 529 3030 or email


Some storm damage occurred in the capital overnight. Take a look at this photo on Flickr showing some storm damage this morning in the Meadows.


One casualty of the weather today has been Portobello High School which has suffered damage to its roof and has had to close. Tonight’s adult education classes have been cancelled but the council has confirmed that the school will reopen tomorrow.

Local Councillor Maureen Child shared this message with us that came from the council officers:-“Following its closure today due to storm damage, Portobello High School will reopen to pupils and staff tomorrow.

“Contractors are currently on site and the Assembly Hall roof will be made safe and watertight. Due to water ingress, the hall is likely to be out of action for the next few days to allow it to dry out and ensure the electrics are safe. A small part of the roof over the school kitchen was also damaged and this is also being made safe by contractors.”

Meanwhile, local MSP Kenny Macaskill has issued a statement saying that the damage to the roof shows that a new school is really needed.

The extensive damage that has been caused to the Assembly Hall roof of Portobello High School as a result of overnight wind conditions is the starkest demonstration possible of the need for a new school to be urgently built, according to local MSP Kenny MacAskill.

The school was closed today while the site is made safe for pupils following the damage that took place. The damage at the school comes just two weeks after the surprise announcement that an appeal against the construction of a new Portobello High School had been accepted by the Court of Session.

Commenting Edinburgh Eastern MSP Kenny MacAskill said:

“The extreme damage that has been done to Portobello High School from today’s winds show just how urgent the need for a new school building is.

“It is simply unacceptable for over 1,300 kids to be taught in a building that is quite literally collapsing around them. The condition of the building is putting the education of pupils at the school at risk when disruptions like this can take place.

“The need for a new school is getting more and more urgent by the day and pupils at the school desperately need a way forward to be found as quickly as possible.”




Seems like a good night to either curl up by the fire or go to the cinema. The Cameo are still showing Anna Karenina in case you have not already been to see that, along with four other films tonight in Tollcross. More details here….  


The Caley at the West End has a new and very grand name. It is now The Caledonian, a Waldorf Astoria hotel, and it has a new swish spa to tempt you in for a pre winter pamper too. (although it already feels a bit like winter anyway!) Read more here….